Assessment & Advocacy

How We Serve Clients:

Practical Helps:  Access to computers, copier and printers for resume printing, faxing, online job searches, short course certificate training, viewing online training videos and other educational training sites.   

Assistance to craft a resume, practice interviews in person and via a video link such as Webex or Zoom.

We can assist clients to acquire work clothing, shoes and personal hygiene and grooming supplies useful for interviews.

Community Network/ACCESS POINT:  Assistance to access online applications for recipients of Florida State Benefits and other programs such as SNAP (food stamps), cash assistance, Medicaid Programs and related needs.

Staff are available Monday through Wednesday from 9 am—1 pm to assist you with applying or re-certifying for these services.

Where necessary, we can assist with providing toiletries, personal hygiene products, household cleaning supplies and other items not covered through SNAP benefits.

Community Partnerships:  Referrals to other organizations where necessary and appropriate for safe shelter, housing options, legal assistance, transportation, child care, rent or utilities assistance.  food and cleaning supplies.